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03 Jul 2024
3 Positive Things about Mercury Retrograde


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Mercury Retrograde brings plenty of challenges with it but there’s also some positives to be found too! From xxx to xxx, here are 3 positive things about Mercury Retrograde that will (hopefully) make this time a little easier for you!

Mercury Retrograde dates for 2020:

  • February 17 to March 10 (Mercury Rx in Pisces and Aquarius)
  • June 18 to July 12 (Mercury Rx in Cancer)
  • October 14 to November 3 (Mercury Rx in Scorpio)

What is Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury Retrograde is when Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, looks like it’s moving backwards in the sky, causing the areas ruled by this planet to become difficult, slow, or even break down completely.

People can often find it difficult to communicate properly with others during Mercury Retrograde with misunderstandings, stumbling over words and even arguments more common.

It’s advised during Mercury Retrograde not to embark on long distance travel, sign important documents or make big decisions that could have long lasting impact UNLESS you triple check everything and stay very focused because small details can evade us or go wrong at this time.

Because of this, Mercury Retrograde has gained itself a bit of a bad reputation! But it’s not all panic and problems, here’s 3 good things we can learn from Mercury Rx:

Mercury Rx helps us to become mindful

During Mercury Retrograde we have to slow down and really look at what we’re doing and saying. The potential for a slip up makes us more conscious of what we say to others, this in turn improves our relationships. The fact that we might make small mistakes with big impact causes us to focus on what we’re doing, this helps us to become successful in everything we do.

While it might take more time and energy to practice this level of mindfulness, it will ultimately train us to become more conscious, eventually improving every area of our lives!

Slower = happier

With a higher level of consciousness, better communication with our loved ones, more confidence when speaking and better rates of success in, well, everything, surely we will become happier people?

The fast pace of modern day life brings stress and anxiety to our doors, but Mercury Rx slows things riiiiiight down, allowing us to savour the moments of life and feel a little more zen about everything.

Of course, we have to go with the rhythm of life to feel the benefit, and if we fight against the slowness of Mercury Retrograde, we might feel frustrated, but if we can learn to adjust to these astrological seasons, we’ll get chance to wind down and do things with less stress and more satisfaction.

Mercury Rx always teaches something

A retrograde is always trying to teach us something. Many people see Mercury Retrograde as a terrible time of stress and mishap, but this is not entirely true. In classical astrology, there is always a blessing and curse to everything, yet we tend to focus on the curse of poor Mercury Retrograde!

The blessing is, that we have a chance to learn where we can do better, where we need to slow down, where we need to focus our attention and what lessons we can learn to improve our time on earth.

If you pay attention, you’ll notice that one particular theme of your life is highlighted during a retrograde. Mercury’s is usually about the way we think – are you unkind to yourself? Do you get stuck in negative mindsets? Or the way we communicate – do you shift blame, nitpick or perhaps not feel comfortable communicating your needs?

The repeating patterns you see at Mercury Retrograde are the things you have the power to work on now. Stay conscious, pay attention and commit to the hard work of improving yourself and you’ll reap the amazing benefits of this misunderstood time!

Let us know your feelings about Mercury Rx in the comments below or via our social media channels!

Ellie xxx