If you’ve had an enjoyable and insightful reading experience you may be keen to repeat this again. How many psychic readings you have is actually not as important as the reason why you are seeking spiritual and psychic advice. Psychic readings can help you gain insight or clarity about a situation, and to get validation on your own feelings about a matter. If you are having regular psychic readings because you cannot make life decisions on your own it may be time to identify your core dependency issues.
Top Reasons To Call A Psychic.
Psychic readings are an excellent tool to help you find answers to difficult and challenging questions. The following are common reasons for picking up the phone:
- To obtain intuitive insight or clarity about a life situation
- To get validation about something that you feel, sense or ‘know’
- To get intuitive guidance about a life path decision you are trying to make
- To get to the root cause of a problem, that may have past life influence
- To better understand your soul’s plan, life lessons and spiritual path
- To identify possible future outcomes
Whilst psychic readings may be supportive, entertaining and fun, it is important to learn something new about yourself from every reading experience. Always ask questions that empower your life and help you to make informed choices.
When To Call.
Some callers like to have regular scheduled psychic readings, with their favourite psychic reader, as this connection supports their personal growth. If you find that you are discussing different topics, during your psychic readings, you are likely to be making steady life progress. Psychic readings that support your own spiritual development work may be beneficial to you in many ways, as the guidance validates and confirms your own sense of knowing. This type of reading does not have to be limited as you are empowering yourself using the insight you are given.
When Not To Seek Psychic Advice
- If You Are Psychic Hopping
Not everyone is fortunate enough to instantly form a connection with the psychic reader that they call. Sometimes this is because the caller is intent on hearing what they want to hear, and therefore tries out many psychics in order to find one who ‘fits’.
- If You Are Becoming Dependent
If you are consulting psychic readers frequently, but not making any life progress, you may be dependent on the support and comfort that the reading experience gives you. Becoming dependent on psychic advice is not a healthy way to live your life, as you are not empowering yourself to make positive changes. Counselling support may be more beneficial for you.
- If You Are Feeling Suicidal
It is not a good idea to seek psychic advice if you are feeling suicidal. Psychic readers may be able to offer spiritual guidance and insight, but they are not trained to deal with emotional issues. A trained counsellor will be able to offer the support that you need. For insight, clarity and validation, call one of our experienced psychic readers today.