Remember, remember the fifth of November! Celebrating the capture of Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators. Read more about the origins of Bonfire night here!
Traditionally the 5th of November is a night to celebrate the capture of Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators. It is n English celebration that coincides with a lot of other Autumn festivities and events that also take place in November. They were guilty of the ‘Gunpowder plot’, when they had tried to blow up the Parliament and the Protestant King James I by filling barrels with gunpowder and hiding them in the Parliament cellar. The 5th of November was declared a night of Thanksgiving and has been celebrated with Bonfires and Fireworks.
It is a tradition for children to make Effigies of Guy Fawkes which are burned on top of the bonfire. Even to this day it is a time that communities come together and celebrate! Tonight and this coming weekend Fireworks and bonfires will be lit all around England. So this year, be sure to wrap up warm, be safe and have a lovely bonfire night!