In a world of non-stop responsibility – work, home, family, social media, our phones constantly buzzing for our attention, sometimes we could all do with a little me-time. Why not make it a bit of spiritual self-care? These guided meditations for your zodiac sign will help you de-stress and reconnect when you need it most.
- ARIES – Recharge while you Sleep
- TAURUS – Get Motivated
- GEMINI – Detach from Overthinking
- CANCER– Release Emotions
- LEO – Let Go
- VIRGO – Surrender Control
- LIBRA – Reclaim your Power
- SCORPIO – Unlock your Magic
- SAGITTARIUS – Heighten your Mind Power
- CAPRICORN – Transform Negativity
- AQUARIUS – Concentrate on the Positive
- PISCES – Clear your Blocks
ARIES – Recharge while you Sleep
An Aries is often on the go, so what better way to recharge than while sleeping? Switch off for a short nap and learn how to cultivate your inner power, patience and self-love.
TAURUS – Get Motivated
When a Taurus is overwhelmed, they can slow down to standstill and struggle to get going again. This guided meditation is perfect for getting you energised and motivated back on track.
GEMINI – Detach from Overthinking
If you’re a Gemini, you might be prone to overthinking, especially when facing a problem or last thing at night when you’re meant to be sleeping. This meditation is perfect for clearing your mind while you drift off.
CANCER– Release Emotions
Cancers are heart-centred folk who feel deeply, but sometimes, when it’s all too much, they can lock away their feelings which isn’t great in the long run. This guided meditation provides a safe outlet.
LEO – Let Go
Leos have such big hearts that sometimes they carry connections that should have been left behind. This guided meditation helps to let go of past relationships and allows your heart to heal by itself.
VIRGO – Surrender Control
Virgos are so “on? all the time, sometimes it might seem like they’ve got it all together, until something goes wrong and they freak! Try surrendering control to divine with this meditation for some inner peace.
LIBRA – Reclaim your Power
Libras are always seeking harmony, which, can lead to them giving away their personal power to keep others happy. Step into your strength with this guided meditation and put yourself first.
SCORPIO – Unlock your Magic
If you’re a Scorpio, you’ve probably got a whole host of creative skills and magical traits locked away, but maybe you’re not sure how to use them? This meditation helps you connect to your gifts.
SAGITTARIUS – Heighten your Mind Power
A Sagittarian’s mind is a wondrous place, but it can get a little distracted sometimes. Utilise that magnificent brain of yours with this meditation that helps to improve cognitive processes like focus, memory and learning.
CAPRICORN – Transform Negativity
Since a Capricorn is so capable, they can often neglect their emotions, allowing them to become repressed without them even realising. This guided meditation is superb for transforming subconscious negativity into inner peace.
AQUARIUS – Concentrate on the Positive
Being such deep thinkers, Aquarians are notorious for forgetting the emotions. That doesn’t mean they don’t have them though! Join spiritual leader, Ravi Shankar, for a guided meditation on transforming emotions into something positive.
PISCES – Clear your Blocks
Pisceans are deep and insightful folk whose depth can sometimes pull them in, making them feel like they’re drowning! This meditation connects you with your spirit guide to clear the way forward.
Why not try them all?
Let us know which one you resonated with most on social media! Read more of my posts on astrology and lifestyle advice in the Psychic Future Blog. Also, don’t miss my weekly horoscope videos!
Ellie Rose xx