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17 Jul 2024
5 Ways Scorpio Season Will Transform Your Love Life

Astrology / Love & Relashionships / Scorpio

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Scorpio Season, Halloween, Mercury Retrograde – this season is intense! Emotions are high (or low) and everything is shifting in one way or another, have you felt it? Here’s 5 ways Scorpio Season (and Halloween AND Mercury Retrograde!) will transform your love life!

Emotional Shifts

Scorpio is a water sign and very emotional, so with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all here, we’re likely to be feeling a bit wobbly, especially with those we love. Add the recent Scorpio New Moon AND Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio and you’ve got yourself a volatile combination!

Of course, this all depends on where these planets are in your chart, for some of you, this season will be easy breezy and give you a wonderful dose of creative and intuitive energy to work with, but if (like the rest of us), you feel tired, sad or even a little unstable, this is why.  

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio can make it difficult to understand these emotions, and even make us try to blame the people around us, but we have to practice patience and understanding, even when things seem obviously “NOT ME”, remember you are looking through your eyes only – the story might be a little different from their perspective. This emotional energy is all about transformation, so the emotions that come up now are coming up for a reason – what do you need to acknowledge, accept or change?

Trust Issues

If you don’t trust other people, this season will show that to you in full colour. Any insecurities are rising to the surface, not because the planets are mean (although sometimes it may seem that way!) but because something needs to change!  

A lot of the time, our lack of trust in others goes hand-in-hand with a lack of trust in ourselves and divine – we don’t feel safe letting go of control, just in case everything comes tumbling down around us, and this is such a Scorpio-themed problem! Instead, this season, try to just surrender to whatever happens. It’s easier said than done, sure, but it will give you a lot more peace when you realise you can only control yourself.

Power Plays

Speaking of control, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the “Lord of the Underworld” and Pluto is all about power. You may notice that over these few weeks, people around you are being more controlling, stubborn, or that you are stepping into a power you didn’t know you had.  

One of the symbols of Scorpio and Pluto is the phoenix rising from the ashes – use this symbol as a guide. When everything seems out of your control, or negativity threatens to close you in, allow it. Welcome it. Look it in the eye and say: “come on then” You can handle a lot more than you think right now, and your acceptance will fill you up with a power you never knew you had.


Another big theme, transformation, is knocking at our doors right now! Relationships are going through a process of healing, shedding the old so we can make way for the new. This can mean that things end. In the tarot, Scorpio is represented by the Death Card (eek!) which means that in every ending there is a beginning.  

But before you panic, this doesn’t mean things will definitely end for you, but rather, an old way of relating to others is ready to die, and in its place is a new, healthy way to love is born.

Open Hearts

By now you’re probably thinking “oh my God all of this is too much” so let me pull you back from the brink and tell you it’s going to be alright! All of these difficult times are happening for a reason – to open your heart. There’s a famous quote (Leonard Cohen): “there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” and this sums up this season well. After all the emotional shifts, trust issues, power plays and transformations, we can choose to be bitter or we can choose love – it really is a choice. The more our hearts feel, the more they learn, and the more we learn about love, the more we can choose it, because it feels good to love!  

This is the perfect attitude for Halloween (or Samhain) too, on a night when it’s said the “veil” between the living and the dead is very thin. We are close to ancestors, people who died, as well as a comfort or darkness that tempts us to stay, but we are of the living and we have more adventures ahead of us. We have to continue on, and it’s much more fun when we have people alongside us.

So, this season, if you just do one thing, love. Give yourself love, give the people in your life love. Forgive and be forgiven. Open your heart. That will be your most magical transformation yet.

Why not also check out my weekly horoscopes for regular updates on what the planets have in store for you?

Happy Halloween/Scorpio Season/Mercury Retrograde!

Ellie Rose Astrologer xx

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